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Copy an Exisiting Reading List

Once you have created a reading list in read!t, you can copy it to other (parallel) courses and subsequent semesters.  To do this you can use the same steps as when you copy other contents from the syllabus of a course. You can also copy read!t lists created in a course repository.
To copy the reading list of a course, first log in to LEARN and then click on MyLEARN. Now, you select the course to which you want to copy a list. After that, you should first lock the fields that you do not want to import.
Our step-by-step instructions show you how to first disable fields and then import content from a course or a course repository.

When you import content from a course or course repository, all fields of the receiving course are overwritten by default. However, you can define fields, which will not be overwritten.
To disable fields, click on Syllabus [A.1.] in the menu on the left. Another field with the title Syllabus [A.2.] appears in the horizontal menu, click on this and then select Manage [A.3.].

The field Actions [A.4.] now appears in the horizontal menu. Please select from the drop-down menu Disable fields...   [A.5.].


A new page opens. Here you can define the fields, which you want to disable. If you click Yes, the fields will be disabled and the content will not be added to your receiving syllabus. If you click No, the element will be copied to your receiving course. [A.6.].

In order to import the read!t reading list, the Recommended literature (course catalog)  and the Recommended literature (LEARN) fields must not be disabled.
Finally, in the bottom left area of the page click on Speichern (yes, this button means "save", and interestingly remains in German). The next step is to copy the syllabus of a course or course repository as described below.

 To copy content from a course, go to the course that is supposed to receive the content. Now click on Syllabus in the vertical menu on the left [B.1.] In the horizontal area another field Syllabus [B.2.] appears. From its drop-down menu select Manage [B.3.]

A field Actions [B.4.] now appears in the horizontal menu and you select from its drop-down menu Copy from course... [B.5.]

A term list [B.6.] will now appear. First select the term [B.7.] from which you want to import.  Next, the courses of the respective term become visible, and you click on the correct course [B.8.]. Next, you go to the Selected items field[B.9.] and from its drop-down menu choose Copy from course [B.10.]. Now the contents of the selected course will be imported.

Another window will pop up and ask, if you are sure that you want to copy the selected syllabus into the current course. Here you click on Copy from course [B.11.].

The elements of the syllabus, which are not locked, are imported into your current course and you can see the copied elements in black [interstingly, part of the text remains in German] . To finish this process, click on the button Back to syllabus [B.12.].

After the transfer, check your reading list for completeness, make sure that the book editions are up to date, and the links to websites still work. Please also make sure to assign the correct tags or adjust them if necessary.

You can copy a reading list or the entire contents of the syllabus from a course repository. To copy a reading list from an existing course repository go to LEARN and choose the right course repository. Then, click on Syllabus [C.1.] in the left menu of your course repository. In the horizontal menu, another field Syllabus [C.2.] appears. There, from the drop-down menu select Manage [C.3.].


The field Actions [C.4.] now appears in the menu and you select Copy to courses… [C.5.] from its drop-down menu.

A list of terms [C.6.] appears. First, select the right term [C.7.]. Now, the courses of the respective term become visible and you click on the correct course [C.8]. You can also select more than one course to which you want to copy content from the course repository. Finally, click on Selected items [C.9.] and choose Copy to courses [C.10.] from the drop-down menu.

The following page will appear and ask, if you are sure, you want to copy the content of the course repository. Click the Copy to courses button [C.11.] and the content will be imported.

You will now see a list of the  copied  fields (in black), and you can return to your course repository by clicking the Back to syllabus [C.12..] button.