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Manage members

As an administrator of a community, you can add and remove people with a WU account as members.

To add new members:

  1. Select "Administrate" from the left side menu of your community.
  2. Click on "Members".
  3. Click on the "Add a Member" button
  4. Search for people by entering names or student ids. 
  5. Confirm your selection by checking the checkbox next to the name. 
  6. Under "Selected items," choose "Add Selected Members

To remove members again:

  1. Select "Administrate" from the left side menu of your community.
  2. Click on "Members."
  3. Select people by entering their name or student id under "Search members" or select people directly from the list of members. . 
  4. Confirm your selection by checking the checkbox next to the name. 
  5. Under "Selected items", select the item "Remove members"

By manually adding and removing members, you can manage your member list individually.

You can add multiple members at once using a CSV file.

  1. Create a worksheet in a spreadsheet program and save it as a CSV file or export the member list from one or more courses.
  2. In the left-hand menu in your community, click “Administrate”.
  3. Click on “members”.
  4. Click the "Bulk Member Add" button.
  5. Select the CSV file and upload it with "OK".
  6. Check the list of all persons that will be added. A warning will appear next to those persons who are already members of the community. This is just an information for you. 
  7. Click on "Selected items" and choose "Add selected members"
  8. Proceed in this way with other lists (if applicable) until all students have been added as members.

You can create a member list for your course to bulk add several persons as members at the same time or print it so you can use it as a hard-copy attendance list in your classes.

To export the member list…

  1. Select "Administrate" from the left side menu of your community.
  2. Click on "Members."
  3. Select „Export Member List
  4. Save the csv-file.

To create a printable list

  1. In the left-hand side menu in your course, click “Administrate”..
  2. Click on “members”.
  3. In the member administration section, click on “Print template of Member List”.
  4. Please select the appropriate roles and the sorting settings you’d like to use. It is also possible to export students’ ID photos. However, please take care to respect your students’ privacy and don’t add photos to the attendance lists that the students need to sign in your classes.
  5. Click “OK”.

The member list you’ve created is exported to Rich Text Format (.rtf). You can open the file in Microsoft Word.

As community administrator, you can assign specific roles to members to give them read-only or editing rights. Roles can be assigned automatically or manually.

  1. In the left-hand side menu in your course, click “Administrate”.
  2. Click on “members”.
  3. In the “Actions” column in the member table, find the user whose role you’d like to change and click on the icon “Change role of this user”.
  4. Select the role you’d like to assign to the member in the drop-down menu.
  5. Click the button “Change role”.

The following roles can be assigned:

Role Rights Additional information

Editing rights

On MyLEARN, instructors are either named manually or synced automatically with the BACH system. The instructor is displayed by name in the course overview. Instructors have editing rights for their courses.

Instructor (without admin privileges)

Read-only rights

Instructors (without admin privileges) can be added manually. They are listed as instructors, but they cannot edit any course materials.

Teaching Assistant

Editing rights

This role can be assigned manually to anyone who is in charge of managing a course but does not have instructor status, e.g. secretarial staff, assistants, and tutors.


Read-only rights

Students who sign up for a course via LPIS are automatically listed as “students” in the member list. This role cannot be assigned manually. If you add students or other persons who have not signed up using LPIS, they will be assigned “member” status.


Read-only rights

This role is assigned to students who are added manually.

You can filter various groups of people by role. The filter function is available on the left-hand side, next to the member overview.

Please note that in a OPU only the roles "Admin" and "Member" exist (cf. Online Exam Environment).

As the head of an academic unit, you have the option of adding members as course administrators, so that the persons with this role have admin rights to all courses in your academic unit.

  1. To do this, click on your academic unit in MyLEARN.
  2. From the left-hand side menu, click on "Course Editors".
  3. Select the person and click on "OK".

Course Editors also appear in the courses in Canvas under "People" and have admin rights to all courses in an Academic Unit.

To remove the role of course editor from a person, proceed as follows:

  1. To do this, click on your academic unit in MyLEARN.
  2. From the left-hand side menu, click on "Course Editors".
  3. Click on the bin icon next to the person.

This will remove people who no longer have admin rights to the courses in your academic unit.