Registration via LPIS
Day | Date | Time | Room |
Tuesday | 04/01/25 | 08:00 AM - 11:00 AM | D5.1.001 |
Tuesday | 04/08/25 | 08:00 AM - 11:00 AM | D5.0.001 |
Tuesday | 05/06/25 | 08:00 AM - 11:00 AM | TC.3.08 |
Tuesday | 05/13/25 | 08:00 AM - 11:00 AM | TC.3.08 |
Tuesday | 05/20/25 | 08:00 AM - 11:00 AM | TC.3.07 |
Tuesday | 05/27/25 | 08:00 AM - 11:00 AM | TC.4.02 |
Tuesday | 06/03/25 | 08:00 AM - 11:00 AM | TC.3.12 |
Tuesday | 06/10/25 | 08:00 AM - 11:00 AM | TC.3.12 |
This course explores different descriptions and explanations of ongoing social divisions, polarisations and emerging lines of conflict on a national, supranational and global level. After an introduction into theories of social and political conflict, conflict dynamics on various levels will be compared and discussed from a sociological and political science perspective. Students will be enabled to understand how accelerated social change creates new lines of conflict and polarisation within and between societies. They also learn how policy interventions (e.g. climate and environmental policies) can at the same time reduce tensions and spark new conflicts. Therefore, this course aims to raise awareness of the fact that social transformations are essentially contested and lead to sometimes unexpected conflict lines and polarisations. Finally, possible strategies of dealing with the conflictual nature of social change will be discussed.
The participants in this course will
- acquire an understanding of current theories of social and political conflict
- become familiar with various social-scientific diagnoses of contemporary political conflict lines and polarisation in the context of socio-ecological challenges
- be enabled to compare and critically reflect on these dynamics at national, supranational, and global level
- learn to examine current debates in the light of social science interpretations, discuss them in an intercultural group setting, and develop their own social science-based point of view
- learn to critically reflect their own perspectives, experiences and behaviour, in particular in relation to cultural, social and political norms
- enhance their ability to constructively deal with diversity and treat other people with respect, irrespective of their status, culture or personal preferences
Attendance is compulsory (PI). One unit may be missed without having a negative effect on the grade. If you know in advance that you will be absent, you must inform the lecturer via email (e.g. if the course overlaps with another course). A unit missed for health reasons (e.g. accident or illness) will not be recorded as an absence if a medical certificate can be provided. Further details on the attendance rules will be explained in the first unit of the course.
- Introductory inputs by the lecturer
- Exploration and discussion of selected texts in written memos as well as in individual and group presentations
- Critical discussion and evaluation of concepts in plenary sessions
- Active participation in the discussions (15%)
- Repeated written demonstration of thorough reading of texts (15%)
- Exploration, presentation and discussion of a single topic in a team (30%)
- Preparation of a written seminar paper (3,000 words) (40%). If no seminar paper is submitted, the course will be graded as ‘failed’.
This course builds on the learning outcomes of the courses PGWI and PGWII. During the registration period, free places are filled according to the “first-come, first-served” principle. If you have a valid registration for the course, but will not participate, please deregister during the registration period of LPIS. Your place will be available for other students. If there will be a waiting list for registration for the course, students will be ranked according to their academic progress at the conclusion of the registration period. The students on the waiting list will then be allocated to available places. However, this procedure does not guarantee a place.
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