
6216 ExInt IV: Coaching for the Master Thesis (Group 3)
Assoz.Prof. PD Dr. Jakob Müllner, Univ.Prof. Dr. Florian Benedikt Zapkau
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
02/17/25 to 02/26/25
Anmeldung durch das Institut
Notes to the course
Subject(s) Master Programs
Day Date Time Room
Monday 03/10/25 01:00 PM - 05:00 PM D1.1.078
Monday 03/31/25 01:00 PM - 05:00 PM D1.1.078
Monday 04/07/25 01:00 PM - 05:00 PM D1.1.078
Monday 05/05/25 01:00 PM - 05:00 PM Online-Einheit
Monday 05/19/25 01:00 PM - 05:00 PM Online-Einheit
Monday 06/02/25 01:00 PM - 05:00 PM D1.1.078

The course coaches students on their way to a successful master’s thesis. To this end, we discuss (based on academic studies) research basics such as literature search and literature analysis as well as qualitative and quantitative methods. Further, participants receive individual feedback on their master’s thesis projects. Students can use the course contents and the feedback to improve their thesis proposals and, in turn, their master’s thesis.

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of the course, students:

  • are familiar with the fundamentals of academic research.
  • are familiar with the fundamentals of research methods, in particular different qualitative and quantitative methodologies.
  • are prepared for conducting and reporting their master’s thesis.
  • have obtained social and professional skills by presenting their master’s thesis projects and leading a related Q&A.
Attendance requirements

The course is a workshop-type course (Arbeitsgemeinschaft). Therefore, attendance is mandatory. The course will be offered in hybrid mode. The individual coaching sessions will take place via MS Teams, whereas the other sessions will be held on campus.

Teaching/learning method(s)

The course's didactic approach rests on three pillars:

  1. Evidence-based teaching: the course follows an evidence-based teaching approach, which means teaching grounds on state-of-the-art research and contextual evidence. Linking research and teaching ensures that students learn concepts and methods that are relevant and effective based on the latest research knowledge.
  2. Interactive: The course combines teacher-centered and interactive ("flip-the-classroom") elements (e.g., presentations, discussions, feedback sessions) to facilitate effective and active learning among students.
  3. Relevance: The course contents and assignments are closely linked to the demands of a WU master's thesis. Presentation of the master's thesis projects and reflection on the feedback foster students' social and professional skills.

The course is a workshop-type course (Arbeitsgemeinschaft). Therefore, the grading will be pass ("mit Erfolg teilgenommen") / fail ("ohne Erfolg teilgenommen"). The assessment criteria are:

  1. Attendance
  2. Active participation in class
Prerequisites for participation and waiting lists
  • Enrollment in the ExInt program
  • Supervision agreement (Betreuungszusage) for a master’s thesis in ExInt
  • Course registration

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Recommended previous knowledge and skills
  • Basic research methods.
  • Written research proposal.
Availability of lecturer(s)


Please also approach us before, during, or after class.

Unit details
Unit Date Contents
1 10.03.2025

Introduction to the course

Mandatory literature before the session:
1) Read the following academic paper and pay attention to how it is structured, how the authors cite relevant literature, how they develop hypotheses, and how they conduct the empirical analysis. This paper will be discussed in session 1.

  • Fernhaber, Gilbert, & McDougall (2008) International Entrepreneurship and Geographic Location: An Empirical Examination of New Venture Internationalization. Journal of International Business Studies, 39(2), 267–290.

2) Read the introductions of the following master's theses from previous years. 

  • Burda (2020) TMT Functional Diversity and Firm Performance: A Meta-analysis on Moderating Role of TMT Average Age. Department of Management and Organization, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
  • Venger (2019) The immediate effect of the global corona pandemic on companies - an event analysis of stock price, Department of Global Business and Trade, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna.


1) Administration

2) Initial thesis pitch: Students present their thesis idea and status quo of the project in a 10-minute presentation. The presentation should address the following points:

  • Research gap
  • Research question(s)
  • Theories
  • Reference literature
  • Methodology

3) Discussion academic paper

Post-session assignments:
Lecture casts: Throughout the course, students should watch the provided lecture casts.

Home assignment 1: Revision research proposal
Revise your research proposal. Pay close attention to the citation method, a convincing development of a research gap, and the description of the employed methods. Further, enhance the proposal with relevant literature.

2 31.03.2025

Quantitative methods (regression analysis & meta-analysis)

Mandatory literature before the session:

  • Hansen, Steinmetz, & Block (2021) How to conduct a meta-analysis in eight steps: a practical guide. Management Review Quarterly, in print.
  • Steel, Beugelsdijk, & Aguinis (2021) The anatomy of an award-winning meta-analysis: Recommendations for authors, reviewers, and readers of meta-analytic reviews. Journal of International Business Studies, 52(1), 23-44.

Reference publication: 

  • Wenke, Zapkau, & Schwens (2021) Too small to do it all? A meta-analysis on the relative relationships of exploration, exploitation, and ambidexterity with SME performance. Journal of Business Research, 132, 653-665.

Supplementary literature:

  • Stata. Meta-analysis Reference Manual. 
  • Adkins, (2011) Using Stata for principles of econometrics. Wiley Global Education. Most relevant Chapters: 1,2,3,4,5.


3 07.04.2025

Literature search and literature analysis & qualitative methods

Mandatory literature before the session:    
1) Read the following guidelines for literature search/analysis and qualitative research methods.

  • Bansal, & Corley (2012) Publishing in AMJ—Part 7: What's different about qualitative research? Academy of Management Journal, 55(3), 509-513.
  • Frank & Hatak (2014) Doing a research literature review, How to get published in the best entrepreneurship journals: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Pratt (2009) From the editors: For the lack of a boilerplate: Tips on writing up (and reviewing) qualitative research. Academy of Management Journal, 52(5), 856-862.
  • Tranfield, Denyer, & Smart (2003) Towards a methodology for developing evidence‐informed management knowledge by means of systematic review. British Journal of Management, 14(3), 207-222.

2) Skim the background literature section of a master's thesis from previous years.

  • Venger (2019) The immediate effect of the global corona pandemic on companies - an event analysis of stock price, Department of Global Business and Trade, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna.

3) Skim a qualitative master's thesis from previous years.

  • Kirchmair (2020) Local Independence Movements and Effects on FDI A  Qualitative Study with Particular Focus on Catalan Independence Movement. WU - Vienna, Vienna.

Supplementary literature (not mandatory):

  • Bembom & Schwens (2018) The role of networks in early internationalizing firms: A systematic review and future research agenda. European Management Journal, 36(6), 679-694.
  • Orr and Scott (2008) Institutional Exceptions on Global Projects: A Process Model. Journal of International Business Studies, 39(4): 562-88. 
  • Müllner (2017) International project finance: review and implications for international finance and international business. Management Review Quarterly, 67(2): 97-133
  • Zupic, Čater (2015) Bibliometric methods in management and organization. Organizational Research Methods. 18(3) 429-472.
4 05.05.2025

Individual coaching I

Mandatory tasks before the session:

  1. Send the current version of your master's thesis to your supervisor.
  2. Develop specific questions you would like to discuss with your supervisor during the coaching session.
5 19.05.2025

Individual coaching II

Mandatory tasks before the session:

  1. Send the current version of your master's thesis to your supervisor.
  2. Develop specific questions you would like to discuss with your supervisor during the coaching session.
6 02.06.2025

Final presentation

Students present their final draft of the master's thesis in an 'academic conference.' The 15-minute presentation should include the following points:

  • Research question and its relevance
  • Theory/hypotheses
  • Data
  • Empirical analysis
  • Findings
  • Conclusion (if already feasible)

After each presentation, there will be 5 minutes of discussion in which ALL participants should offer constructive feedback as the basis for further improvement.

Last edited: 2025-02-06
