Registration via LPIS
Following up on the contents of the classes on “Academic Writing” in the first semester, this class delves deeper into academic research methods. Specific methods and their applications are explained in detail.
After completion of this course, students have a basic understanding of how research in Supply Chain Management is conducted with a special focus on selected qualitative and quantitative approaches like content analysis, case study research, surveys and questionnaires. They are able to conduct a literature review including descriptive and thematic analysis based on bibliometric information, formulate a research question and recognize the existence of different research methods. Furthermore, students are able to differentiate between the different research methods and can decide which research methods is applicable in certain research situations.
Seminar-style class (lecture with discussion), assignments to prepare and wrap-up
This semester, teaching will be on WU Campus. Only if absolutely necessary this class would switch to full distance mode. Even in the remote format, the sessions will take place within the announced time slots.
On an individual level (50%):
- Design of a questionnaire/survey, case study OR content analysis research approach in detail including validity and reliability considerations (max. 50%).
On a group level (50%):
- Two assignments (25%, 25%) based on completeness and quality of content
- First is about conducting a systematic literature review including basic reporting (max. 25%)
- Second is about formulating research question(s) and viable research methodology along Saunder’s et al. (2019) research onion (max. 25%)
Grading Scale is as follows:
Excellent (1): 90%-100%,
Good (2): 80% - <90%
Satisfactory (3): 70% - <80%
Sufficient (4): 60% - <70%
Fail (5): <60.0%
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