
5334 Asset Pricing
Univ.Prof. Alexander Mürmann, Ph.D., Assist.Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Weber
Contact details
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
02/03/25 to 02/28/25
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
Subject(s) Doctoral/PhD Programs
Day Date Time Room
Monday 03/10/25 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM D4.4.008
Tuesday 03/11/25 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM D4.4.008
Wednesday 03/12/25 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM D4.4.008
Thursday 03/13/25 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM D4.4.008
Monday 03/17/25 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM D4.4.008
Tuesday 03/18/25 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM D4.4.008
Wednesday 03/19/25 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM D4.4.008
Friday 03/21/25 09:00 AM - 10:30 AM D4.4.008

- Introduction into core theoretical concepts such as preferences over lotteries, Arrow-Debreu securities, arbitrage, the law of one price, market completeness, etc.

- In-depth discussion of consumption-based asset pricing models in discrete and continuous time.

Learning outcomes

The students acquire a basic knowledge of asset pricing and the most prominent consumption-based models. The focus will be on theory and the empirics of aggregate market level outcomes in consumption-based asset pricing.

Attendance requirements

Attendance is mandatory.

Teaching/learning method(s)

Taught course,Whiteboard, open discussions, possibly presentations by students.


60% Final Exam

30% Problem Sets and or presentations

10% Participation in class


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Recommended previous knowledge and skills

I expect you to have some knowledge of stochastic calculus, differential equations, be able to apply Ito's lemma, invert matrices, dynamic programming (Bellman and Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations), value functions, basic microeconomic theory, equilibrium concepts, L'Hospital's rule.

If you are not comfortable with these concepts, please familiarize yourself with them prior to the course.

Availability of lecturer(s)

You can email me at


Grades are based on the (quality of) solution of exercises, presentations, and a final written test (exact weights too be determined). This is a PhD course, I expect you to participate actively, ask questions, etc. I want
everyone (including myself) to have fun. There are no dumb questions and everything can be used to deepen your and my understanding. Quality of your contributions in class is only of second order importance for your participation grade. No hesitations!

Last edited: 2025-02-10
