Week 1 - Lecture 1:
- Introduction to Scalable Data Processing and Legal & Ethical Foundations of Data Science
- Horizontal & Vertical Scalability
- The Big Data Ecosystem
- Ethics from & Data Science
Week 2 - Lab 1:
- Deep Dive into Apache Spark
- Movie Lens code walk through and exercise
- Friends code walk through and exercise
Week 3 - Lab 2:
- Deep dive into Machine Learning using Apache Spark
- California Housing Linear Regression code walk through
- Deep dive into natural language processing using Apache Spark
- Classification of Data Science Tweets code walk through
Week 4 - Lecture 2:
- The European Strategy for Data
- The General Data Protection Regulation
- Copyright in the Digital Single Market
- Directive on Open Data
- Data & Data Governance Acts
- The Artificial Intelligence Act
Week 5 - Lab 3:
- Deep dive into Apache Kafka & Stream Processing
- Dealing with real world data from Reddit using Kafka and Python
- Deep dive into Sentiment Analysis
- Working with TextBlob, Kafka, and Spark to analyze real-time streaming data
Week 6 - Lab 4:
- Deep dive into Apache Kafka & Stream Processing
- Dealing with real world data from Reddit using Kafka and Python
- Deep dive into Sentiment Analysis
- Working with TextBlob, Kafka, and Spark to analyze real-time streaming data
Week 7 - Lecture 3:
- Decentralisation Initiatives
- Large Language Models
- Future Trends