HW Assignments: 30%
Quizzes: 20%
Final Exam: 50 %
Lectures start punctually. In case of in-class assignments, be aware that they are most likely to take place at the beginning of a lecture. If students are absent during the in-class assignments no make-up assignments are granted.
If a student misses the final exam, he or she can repeat the exam only if he or she provides sufficient proof of the necessity of the absence (illness, accident…). If the student misses a performance assessment worth less than 50% of the grade, (limited) opportunities to repeat the assessment can be provided optionally by the lecturers and in any case require sufficient proof for the necessity of the absence as well.
Cooperation with other students on homework assignments is encouraged. However, the final write-up must be done individually. ‘Duplicate’ homeworkwrite-ups are unacceptable and will receive a score of zero. (Any homework that is late will receive a score of zero.)
The final exam has to be passed with at least 40% of maximum points. (Passing the final exam is mandatory for positive evaluation of this course.)
All written text will be checked by WU's Turnitin system for the use of AI and for plagiarism, and points may be deducted.