Anmeldung durch das Institut
Course V Seminar A-F Introduction (Online Meeting)
Zoom Online Meeting (mandatory):
Meeting-ID: 618 1934 8502
Passcode: 295 821
Course V Seminar A-F Registration (Online Form)
Registration from tba
All information regarding course registration will be provided during the introduction lecture. The registration will open after the 1st lecture, so being open from xxx until xxx. During the registration period, you will find the application form here:
Course V Seminar E (Course Participation)
Seminar E: Supply Chain Management in International Context
Main subjects of seminars and topics to work on as well as dates of meetings of respective seminars are announced on the ITL homepage The general theme of group [E] is about international supply chain management. In order to provide actual subjects, topics to work on will be announced during the seminar registration.
After successful completion of this course, students should be able:
- to assess, define, structure and solve stepwise a research problem from the field of transport and logistics.
- to prepare, present and discuss a research proposal, including outline and research design.
- to identify, judge qualitatively and balance suitable sources for a research problem.
- to choose a suitable research and analysis method for his/her concrete research problem and apply it correct mostly autonomous.
- to end in an solution of the research problem, wrap up results accordingly and interpret them technically correct and conclusive.
- to write, present and defend a self-contained scientific research work.
In addition to this, this seminar allows to develop the following students abilities:
- social competence, communication with other students (or within a working group) and the lecturer.
- choice and application of methods based on knowledge acquired in basic courses.
- presentation of research outlines, structures and results in front of a professional audience.
- self-organization, time management and goal-oriented planning of time schedules.
The seminar group [E] [SCM in International Context] is held on WU Campus. Attendance is obligatory.
In Session 1, Topics for Seminar Papers (or Bachelor Thesis in prospect) are assigned which are either more practice- or more theory-oriented. Practice-oriented topics include applied research solving an actual problem in collaboration with an outside project partner (like a theory-based consultancy project), whereas in more theory-oriented topics, the research process aims to derive recommendations from theory for practice. Different subjects are announced to work on and are allocated to the students. In addition, basic relevant literature to be prepared for the second meeting is given. Further, students have to write a research proposal for Session 2, where they should indicate outline and methodology of their Seminar Paper or Bachelor Thesis in prospect. Further information about research proposal content and outline are provided at
In Session 2, each student has to present his/her research proposal draft submitted upfront on CANVAS WU. Afterwards final version of the research proposal must be submitted (after revision if needed). Research proposals may be approximately 4-6 pages, including (1) Introduction/Problem statement, (2) Literature review (state of the art), (3) Research objective and research questions, (4) Research methodology, (5) Structure of the Paper, (6) Expected outcomes, and (7) References and Preliminary Bibliography. Presentation of research proposals should be maximum 15 minutes with approximately 10 slides.
Before Session 3, a draft version of the seminar paper has to be submitted and then its findings have to be presented in class. Written Seminar Papers should be approximately 20 text pages (max. length 40 pages - title page, table of content, large figures/tables, references and appendices are not included in this page limit). It must contain an introduction with problem formulation, research question(s) and research design, methodology, theoretical framework, analysis and conclusion plus suggestions of further research (e.g. in form of a bachelor thesis). For practice-oriented topics it will be relevant to include a proposal for an action plan / road map for management to solve the problem dealt with. In the case of more theory-oriented topics, recommendations for practice must be clearly outlined. Final Presentations should be maximum 15 minutes with approximately 10 slides).
Students who write a Bachelor Thesis present a work-in-progress status of their Bachelor Thesis. Ideally their work is finished by one third, i.e. the outline of their work is fixed, problem formulation and research questions are stated. Further, the initial positions as well as the aim of their work, review of relevant literature and methodology are concluded. In addition to this, first results can be presented.
Final submissions of Bachelor Theses is expected to take place one semester after attending the seminar at the latest. Deadline is the last day of the semester, lecture-free period included.
Basis of judgement for the seminar differs between students writing a seminar paper or a Bachelor Thesis.
Judgement for students writing a Bachelor Thesis are as follows:
- 20% on written research proposal and presentation
- 60% on work-in-progress paper (positive judgement mandatory)
- 20% on presentation of work-in-progress paper
- The final Bachelor Thesis is judged separately.
Judgement for the students writing a seminar paper are as follows:
- 20% on written research proposal and presentation
- 60% on final seminar paper (positive judgement mandatory)
- 20% on presentation of final seminar paper.
Grading scale is as follows:
- More than 89 %: Excellent (1.0)
- 76 - 88.5 %: Good (2.0)
- 63 - 75.5 %: Satisfactory (3.0)
- 50- 62.5 %: Sufficient (4.0)
- leas than 50 %: failed (5.0)
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Your instructors are generally available via email as well as before and after each lecture.
Individual office hours are held if needed. Please contact your supervisor via email or phone to schedule a meeting.
- As a basis for the course, it is recommended that you take the course "Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten (GWA)" either before or in parallel. This course covers the basics of how to prepare a seminar paper and which research methods can be used. The ITL also offers GWA courses, more information can be found in the VVZ.
- When writing seminar papers or bachelor theses, the ITL guidelines published on the homepage have to be followed. Compliance with these formal criteria will be taken into account in the assessment of the thesis.
- In the second session it will be explained in detail to what extent the use of AI-based software (e.g. ChatGPT) is (un)permitted and how you may use it if necessary.