
4438 International Business Project A
Univ.Prof. Dr. Desislava Dikova
Contact details
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
03/03/25 to 03/03/25
Anmeldung durch das Institut
Notes to the course
Subject(s) Master Programs
Day Date Time Room
Wednesday 03/19/25 09:00 AM - 02:00 PM D1.1.074
Wednesday 03/26/25 09:00 AM - 02:00 PM D1.1.074
Wednesday 04/02/25 09:00 AM - 02:00 PM D1.1.074
Wednesday 04/23/25 09:00 AM - 02:00 PM D1.1.074
Wednesday 04/30/25 09:00 AM - 02:00 PM D1.1.074
Wednesday 05/07/25 09:00 AM - 02:00 PM D1.1.074
Wednesday 05/14/25 09:00 AM - 02:00 PM D1.1.074
Wednesday 05/21/25 09:00 AM - 02:00 PM D1.1.074
Wednesday 06/11/25 09:00 AM - 02:00 PM D1.1.074
Wednesday 06/18/25 09:00 AM - 02:00 PM D1.1.074
Wednesday 06/25/25 09:00 AM - 02:00 PM D1.1.074

The CEMS International Business Project (IBP) is a consultancy-like project in which international MSc students work with CEMS corporate partners (in the following named CPs) to help them solve real-life business problems. The project is a one-semester part-time activity in which the students will be able to apply their competences, tools and knowledge while adding value to the CP.

The project is built around a number of fixed deliverables and a tight schedule. Yet, the students are given responsibility for managing the project and meeting the project goals. They are tutored jointly by experienced university faculty and company representatives. Each student is expected to work approximately 200-250 hours on the project. They will deliver a consulting-type project report and present the findings to the partner.

IBP A, coordinated by prof Dikova, is designed and managed by two CPs: RBI and Henkel GmbH

IBP with RBI is titled "Integration of ESG factors into Credit Rating Models of Banks". In this prject, students shoud prepare a comparison on whetherand how ESG aspects are currently integrated into the Credit Rating Mmodels used for corporate customers of selected large Austrian and other European banks, This overview should include an assessmenton how much these different approaches are already aligned with the stipulations of the EBA Guideline on Loan Origination and Monitoring.  As a second part of the project and based on this review,students should develop a proposal (respectively several alternatives) for how RBI should integrate the currently existing ESG Scoring into RBI Group's IRB Rating Models for small, medium and large corporates in a way which is in line with the EBA-GL.

IBP with Henkel GmbH is titled "Premiumization in the FMCG hair care sector: Key insights from other industries and strategies for effectively premiumizing an established brand". In this project, students should provide  an overview of premiumization by defining premiumization and its relevance in the context of FMCG. They will develop premiumization strategies in the FMCG Hair Care Sector to reflect consumer trends, product innovations, brand positioning, pricing and channel decisions. Student should develop case studies of successful premiumization, including Industry Case Studies where they present examples of FMCG hair care brands that
have successfully premiumized, discussing the tactics they used and the outcomes and Cross-Industry Case Studies where they highlight premiumization examples from other FMCG or luxury industries, focusing on transferable strategies. By the end of the project, students should have elaborated on the challenges and risks in premiumizing an existing brand y considering the Brand Legacy and also Perception, Cost and Resource Allocation, Market Cannibalization, Competition and Market Dynamics. By the end of the course, students should develop a recommendation on how to premiumize an existing Henkel brand (brand will be provided)



Learning outcomes

During the business project, students will:          

-          investigate and structure a complex management challenge that the organization faces

-          provide an in-depth analysis of the current situation

-          provide alternative solutions that are viable under the given organizational and financial constraints

-          propose a decision for the most promising solution based on hard data and empirical findings

The feedback from the faculty and the corporate partner is a very important element for reflection with regards to these activities and the final outcome of the projects.

Attendance requirements

In-between the core meetings (kick-off, mid-term, final presentation), there are usually rather flexibly scheduled input and feedback sessions in which CP representatives interact with the student group and in which the academic supervisor gives input to the students. These meetings can be in-person or virtual, but they all require mandatory presence. 

Teaching/learning method(s)

IBP is a consultancy-like project in which international MSc students work with CEMS corporate or social partners to help them solve real-life business problems. This requires a rather flexible course content, which is not taught in the traditional academic form (i.e., lectures) but is co-created by the joint effort of the students and supervising faculty. There is no pre-set list of readings or course material, the course material is largely a result of the research done by the students.

The Business Project might provide insights into confidential company data for both students and WU advisors. As we in the CEMS community are very concerned with trust and long-lived relationships, we take confidentiality seriously. Therefore, we have developed a standard confidentiality form, that may be signed by all parties involved, if the firm so desires. This form is in line with overall WU confidentiality principles and is in accordance with Austrian Law. The CEMS office at WU has more details.


Group component (70%)

- Mid-term Presentation (PowerPoint Document): 10%

- Mid-term Presentation and Fielding of Questions: 10%

- End-term Presentation (PowerPoint Document): 30%

- End-term Presentation and Fielding of Questions 20%

Individual component (30%)

- End-term peer rating: 20%

- Participation in discussions: 10%


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Last edited: 2025-02-20
