International Business Administration Major
- Business Administration
Mathematics and Statistics
- Statistics (11)
- Economics
- Law
Foreign Language Business Communication
- English
- French
- Italian
- Russian
- Spanish
- Czech
- Business and Economics from a Social Science Perspective
- Social Skills
- Access to Specialisation in Business Administration
Specialization in Business Administration of an international nature
- Accounting
- Export Management
- Business Information Systems
- Change Management and Management Development
- Data Science
- Entrepreneurship & Innovation
- Finance
- Retailing and Marketing
- Information Management and Control
- International Business
- International Marketing Management
- Marketing
- Organization
- Human Resource Management
- Public and Nonprofit Management
- Service and Digital Marketing
- Transport and Logistics Management
- Management and Controlling
- Advertising and Brand Management
Specialization in Business Administration
- Accounting
- Export Management
- Business Information Systems
- Change Management and Management Development
- Data Science
- Diversity Management
- Entrepreneurship & Innovation
- Finance
- Retailing and Marketing
- Information Management and Control
- Information Business
- International Business
- International Marketing Management
- SME Management
- Marketing
- Organization
- Human Resource Management
- Production Management
- Public and Nonprofit Management
- Service and Digital Marketing
- Transport and Logistics Management
- Management and Controlling
- Management and Organizational Behavior
- Advertising and Brand Management
Cross-functional Management
- Introduction to the Program Cross-functional Management
- International Financial Management I (0)
- International Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior I (0)
- Wahlblock
Academic Research Techniques
- in the field Business Administration
- in the field Finance, Mathematics, Statistics, Insurance Studies and Accounting
- in the field Foreign Language Business Communication
- in the field Law
- in the field Economics and Socioeconomics
- International Course
Additional links:
- Bachelor's Degree Program in Business, Economics and Social Sciences (2006):
- All information brochures of WU
Specialization in Business Administration Course I (Basic Course)
in Sommer 2025 found
Courses not assigned to a course repository:
Concept and Design Tools of Human Resource Management
Müller-Camen M., Janssen B.
Müller-Camen M., Janssen B.
8 appointments from 03/05/25 to 05/19/25
Concept and Design Tools of Human Resource Management
Müller-Camen M., Janssen B.
Müller-Camen M., Janssen B.
6 appointments from 03/05/25 to 05/20/25