
4066 Corporate IT I - Information Structures
Till Winkler, M.Sc.
Contact details
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
02/24/25 to 03/07/25
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
Day Date Time Room
Tuesday 03/11/25 08:00 AM - 12:30 PM TC.3.08
Tuesday 03/18/25 08:00 AM - 12:30 PM TC.3.08
Tuesday 03/25/25 08:00 AM - 12:30 PM TC.3.08
Tuesday 04/01/25 08:00 AM - 12:30 PM TC.3.08
Tuesday 04/08/25 08:00 AM - 12:30 PM TC.3.08
Tuesday 04/22/25 10:30 AM - 01:00 PM TC.3.01

We as an individual collect data through speaking, reading, watching, feeling, hearing, and sensing. We store data in our minds, connect the collected and stored data and create knowledge. Iteratively, we exchange our knowledge through communication channels such as talking, writing, watching and drawing. In the digital era, it is worthwhile to know how computers collect, store, retrieve, reuse and produce data. In the era of the connected world, it is significant to learn how computers communicate with humans and machines and exchange data. Within this course, you will learn the basics of the languages used for storing, retrieving, reusing, and exchanging data through the Web.

Learning outcomes

By attending the course and fulfilling the project and assignments, you will be able to represent the following knowledge, skills and competences:

Subject-related skills:

  • Explain the structure of data, information, and knowledge.
  • Explain and apply different character encodings.
  • Define data structure, particularly tree structure.
  • Design a simple database and applying SQL using MySQL.
  • Create HTML pages, using CSS and JavaScripts.
  • Key aspects of code documentation.
  • Basic process for the design of user interfaces.
  • Create XML documents, describe XML structures using DTD and XSD, retrieve XML information using XPath, transform XML information using XSLT.

Transferable skills:

  • Team work,
  • Creating an idea and developing it,
  • Designing and developing a project by using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL, and XML,
  • Presenting your work to others,
  • Providing a report collaboratively,
  • Working responsibly with AI tools such as GitHub Copilot or ChatGPT,
Attendance requirements
  • In general, attendance is mandatory.
  • A maximum of 4 hours (or 20%) absence is acceptable.
  • Attendance in the first unit is mandatory, otherwise you might lose the place in the course.
Teaching/learning method(s)

The aim of this course is not only to provide you with relevant theoretical knowledge, but also to enable you to put what you have learned into practical use. The design of the course reflects this, combining phases of knowledge acquisition with exercises and practical application. The instructor takes the role of a mentor, rather than a teacher; hence the course is driven by your active participation and learning needs.

The course consist of

(1) five core units,

(2) self-organized, autonomous study periods,

(3) self-organized project work in groups, and

(4) a workshop day (unit-6) for presenting the results of the project.



To pass the course you must submit all five types of deliverables.

  • Group Deliverables (70%):
    • 40% Project implementation (code of the project)
    • 20% Project report (documentation of project)
    • 10% Project presentation
  • Individual Deliverables (30%):
    • 15% Three in-class quizzes
    • 15% Three homework assignments


Grading system 

  • 87,5% - 100% = "Sehr gut" (Excellent)
  • 75% - 87,49% = "Gut" (Good)
  • 62,5% - 74,99% = "Befriedigend" (Satisfactory)
  • 50% - 62,49% = "Genügend" (Sufficient)
  • Below 50% = "Nicht Genügend" (Fail)
Prerequisites for participation and waiting lists

Courses: GK1 Grundzüge der ITK (Foundations in ICT) for WU students attending the specialisation  - this is a fixed restriction that cannot be waived under any circumstances!

Recommended:  BIS I, BIS II  (see also recommended previous knowledge and skills in the syllabus)

Administrative: Registration in the LPIS, attendance of the first unit, participation in course planning

Please NOTE:

  • The number of available places is limited and there is often a list of students waiting for free places. If you have signed up for the course and during the registration period find out you will not attend, please remove your name from the list via LPIS. This will make your place available to others.
  • The participation in the first unit is mandatory; students who fail to come forfeit their place to students on the waiting list. Students can excuse themselves if the reason for missing the first unit is serious and will concern only the first unit. Students who are absent on the first session without bringing an absent note lose their place in the course. This place will be allocated to students in the waiting list who come to the first session according to the waiting list order.

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Recommended previous knowledge and skills

The following knowledge is expected in this course.

  • You need a basic understanding of the role of information systems in organisations in general.
  • You need to know what relational data structures look like and what properties they have.

At the WU, these topics are covered in the course BIS I and BIS II as well ICT basics. If you are not or no longer familiar with the above topics, there will be a preparatory course material that you can use to catch up on your own. Above all, you should be open to learning about technical issues and willing to try them out yourself.

Is this for me?

The course welcomes participants from all backgrounds (those with existing IT skills and those without). This is a course for anyone who not only wants to know about data and information structuring, but also wants to apply what they have learned and create a website.


Unit details
Unit Date Contents
1 Unit 1

Information structuring on the Web

  • Web technologies & standards


2 Unit 2

Engaging with end users (Part 1)

  • Responsiveness
  • Bootstrap
3 Unit 3

Engaging with end users (Part 2)

  • Interactivity
  • JavaScript, CSS animations
4 Unit 4

Creating data-driven projects

  • Relational databases and SQL
  • MySQL
5 Unit 5

Information structuring and transformation

  • XML
  • JSON
  • AJAX
6 Unit 6


  • presenting your project
Last edited: 2024-11-20
