This course consists of two parts (International Trade Theory and Policy and International Economics and Development):
- "International Trade Theory and Policy" will be taught by Gabriele Tondl (Tuesdays, 10-12.00a.m. Exam: 21.01.2025). This part covers the role of international trade. Crucial reasons for trade relations between countries and their implications will be studied with the help of different models (eg. Ricardo Model, Heckscher-Ohlin Model). Furthermore, different trade policies such as tariffs, quotas and trade agreements will be analyzed based on trade theory and applied cases.
- International Economics and Development (Rudy Weissenbacher, Tuesdays 8-10:00 am) This part deals with problems and fields of action of peripheral and semi-peripheral countries. Their situation in an international and macroeconomic context is being shaped by (transnational) commodity chains. This part of the course will engage with theoretical and empirical classification of commodity chains, foreign direct investment, migration, foreign debt, financialization, the role of exchange rates and the consequences of different exchange rate regimes, industrial development and the room to maneuver for national and regional economic policy.