
1452 Course IV: International and Transnational Social Policy
ao.Univ.Prof. Dr. August Österle
Contact details
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
09/19/24 to 09/28/24
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
Day Date Time Room
Friday 10/04/24 09:00 AM - 01:30 PM TC.3.06
Friday 10/11/24 09:00 AM - 01:30 PM TC.3.06
Friday 10/18/24 09:00 AM - 01:30 PM TC.3.06
Friday 11/08/24 09:00 AM - 01:30 PM TC.3.06
Friday 11/15/24 09:00 AM - 01:30 PM TC.3.06

The course will present a European and global comparative perspective on health and social policies and the role of the European Union and other international organizations. It will analyze supranational and international health and social policies and their interactions with national policies, and will introduce issues of transnational social protection.

Learning outcomes

The course provides a framework for understanding, reviewing and critical analysis of alternative approaches to the study and the practice of international and transnational social policy. After attending this course, students will be able to:

  • apply conceptual and theoretical foundations of international and transnational social policy,
  • characterise social policies in comparative perspectives,
  • evaluate the role of the EU for social policies and social protection,
  • identify challenges of Europeanisation and internationalisation for social protection and social policy development
  • discuss alternative social policy responses to these challenges against the background of major economic and social policy objectives,
  • understand and discuss academic health and social policy papers. 

In addition, students will:

  • gain practice and improve their skills in writing, presenting and discussing their ideas.
Attendance requirements

This being a ‘course with continuous assessment (PI)’, the university requires students to attend at least 80% of all classes for completing the course successfully. Ideally you don’t miss any classes. If you are unable to attend a session, please let me know before that session.

Teaching/learning method(s)

The first part of the course is based on inputs by the lecturer and group discussions. In the second part of the course, groups of students will focus on selected issues of international and transnational social policy, present their analyses and discuss selected issues in sub-group and/or plenary debates. In addition, there will be coaching sessions with student groups. Activities include:

  • lectures
  • team-based learning
  • group discussions
  • oral presentations
  • written papers

The final grade is based on: 

  • exam: 30%
  • group project with oral presentation (group), discussion group projects: 40%
  • written paper (individual): 20%
  • active participation in class discussions: 10% 

Grades (point ranges):

  • Excellent (1): 90-100 points
  • Good (2): 80-89 points
  • Satisfactory (3):  65-79 points
  • Sufficient (4): 50-64 points
  • Fail (5): 0-49 points
Prerequisites for participation and waiting lists

This is a course offered for WU bachelor students (as Course IV in the Health and Social Policy specialization), and for incoming students as part of the English Program.


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Availability of lecturer(s)


Meetings by arrangement.


Last edited: 2024-09-30
