
0782 Introduction to Climate Change Economics, Policy, and Justice
Xenia Miklin, BA, MSc (WU)
Contact details
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
09/19/24 to 09/24/24
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
Day Date Time Room
Friday 10/04/24 10:30 AM - 02:00 PM D5.1.004
Friday 10/11/24 10:30 AM - 02:00 PM D5.1.004
Friday 10/18/24 10:30 AM - 02:00 PM D5.1.004
Friday 10/25/24 10:30 AM - 02:00 PM EA.5.030
Friday 11/08/24 10:30 AM - 02:00 PM D5.1.004
Friday 11/15/24 10:45 AM - 02:15 PM TC.4.13
Friday 11/22/24 10:30 AM - 02:00 PM D5.1.004

In this course current environmental, social and economic challenges will be critically discussed and analyzed from a political economy and distributional perspective. The first part will deal with the global climate crisis and the way of how certain aspects of climate change are percieved and communicated in the public and political discourse and from different economic perspectives. The second part will deal with sources of unsustainable development, economic inequality as component of unsustainability and trends and drivers of economic inequality. Part three will discuss the vicous circle of environmental and social inequalities, adressing issues of unequal access to environmental resources, unequal exposure to environmental risks as well as unequal responsibility for pollution. In part four political, social and economic policy implications and concrete measures how to reduce inequalities in a finite world will be analyzed.

The course is interdisciplinary and will use concepts and literature related to Economics, Ecology, Sociology and Geography. 


Learning outcomes

Participants of the course will learn to

  • analyze current social and environmental challenges from a political economy and distributional perspective
  • identify challenges for social, economic and environmental policy
  • critical discuss economic, social and ecological impacts of different policy options 
Attendance requirements

80% compulsory attendance

please inform the lecturer beforhand in case you cannot attend a class

Teaching/learning method(s)
  • Theoretical inputs given by lecturer
  • Group project
  • Group discussions
  • In-class group work
  • Quizzes and assignmnets
  • Group project, presentation and policy brief (40%)
  • Feedback on other group’s presentation (15%)
  • Newsflash (15%)
  • Assignments, quizzes and class participation (30%)


Additional details regarding the assessment will be discussed in the first class.

Prerequisites for participation and waiting lists

If you have a valid registration for the lecture, but will not participate, please deregister during the registration period of LPIS. Your place will be available for other students.
During the registration period, free places are filled according to the “first-come, first-served” principle.
After the end of the registration period, the number of places is increased and students on the waiting list will be registered for the lecture. Students in the Specialization-program will be added first, should places remain, they will be filled by BaWiSo-students based on their progress in their studies.


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Last edited: 2024-08-29
