
0672 Basics of ICT (Group D)
Karolina Malgorzata Sliwa, MSc (WU)
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
09/25/24 to 09/27/24
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
Day Date Time Room
Thursday 10/03/24 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM TC.5.04
Thursday 10/10/24 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM TC.5.04
Thursday 10/17/24 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM TC.5.04
Thursday 10/24/24 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM TC.5.04
Thursday 10/31/24 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM TC.5.04
Thursday 11/07/24 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM TC.5.04
Thursday 11/14/24 08:00 AM - 10:00 AM D4.0.022

The enormous technological advances in information and communication technologies (ICT), especially in the Internet of Things and in Cyber ​​Physical Systems, have enabled the development of highly autonomous systems that operate in the physical and virtual world. Information is expected to be available anywhere, anytime. Today's e-business is based on highly networked, data-driven ICT systems and machines that make autonomous decisions. Virtual and physical environments are beginning to merge, which is reflected in technology trends such as "Industry 4.0", "Drones" and "Intelligent Assistants". Objects are identified in the physical environment and the interaction between computer and human is shifted into the invisible. Behavioral data is collected in the virtual environment. Business intelligence applications help to combine sources of information in order to gain new insights. However, the ubiquitous availability of information and the autonomous machines bring risks that must be minimized to protect people and companies.

This course offers you:

  • an introduction to the basic terminology and concepts of ICT,
  • historical perspectives on current technologies and their development,
  • perspectives on "Ubiquitous Computing",
  • basic knowledge of web technologies and related concepts,
  • an introduction to big data and its underlying architecture
  • perspectives on IT governance, and
  • a basic introduction to ICT security.
Learning outcomes

After attending this course, students will be able to understand, describe and judge key concepts related to communication technologies that support electronic business transactions and smart commerce environments.

Subject-related skills:
• Ability to describe the fundamentals of ICT.
• Ability to obtain, understand and discuss computer-centered technologies ( i.e., ubiquitous computing, business intelligent systems).
• Ability to obtain, understand and discuss web technologies.
• Ability to understand the interaction between humans and computers.
• Ability to judge on the impact of ambient technologies and how their technical traits and capabilities foster and limit their business use and deployment potential.
• Ability to understand the security topics in the ICT area.

Transferable skills:
• Ability to discuss, analyze and judge upon technical products and services.
• Ability to provide content about a topic in a short time and present it.
• Ability to critically approach the benefits and downsides of the technologies.
• Ability to work in a team.

Attendance requirements

Following attendance is mandatory:

  • attendance in the introductory unit (otherwise you will lose your place in the course)
  • attendance of 80% (a maximum of 4 hours (or 20%) absence is acceptable)
Teaching/learning method(s)

The course is taught in an interactive manner. In addition to the input from the instructor, students are expected to participate in team assignments and deliver team presentations. In addition, students have the opportunity to demonstrate the skills they have acquired in a written exam.


Regular attendance is a prerequisite for passing the course (see Attendance requirements section).

To pass the course you must submit all deliverables and obtain a minimum of 50% of the final exam.

  • 20% In-class presentations and discussions
  • 20% Homework assignments
  • 60% Final exam

Grading system:

87.5% - 100% = "Sehr Gut" (Excellent)
75% - 87.49% = "Gut" (Good)
62.5% - 74.99% = "Befriedigend" (Satisfactory)
50% - 62.49% = "Genügend" (Sufficient)
Below 50% = "Nicht Genügend" (Fail)

Prerequisites for participation and waiting lists

Please note:

The number of available places is limited and there is often a list of students waiting for free places. If you have signed up for the course and during the registration period find out you will not attend, please remove your name from the list via LPIS. This will make your place available to others.

The participation in the first unit is mandatory; students who fail to come, forfeit their place to students on the waiting list. Students can excuse themselves if the reason for missing the first unit is serious and will concern only the first unit. Students, who are absent on the first session without bringing an absent note lose their place in the course. This place will be allocated to students in the waiting list who come to the first session according to the waiting list order.


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Last edited: 2024-05-13
