
0417 Organization Theory
Univ.Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Delmestri, Dr. Thorsten Koch
Contact details
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
10/22/24 to 10/24/24
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
This class is only offered in winter semesters.
Subject(s) Master Programs
Day Date Time Room
Tuesday 11/12/24 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Online-Einheit
Monday 11/25/24 03:00 PM - 07:00 PM D2.0.392
Tuesday 11/26/24 08:00 AM - 12:00 PM TC.3.05
Monday 12/02/24 01:00 PM - 05:00 PM Online-Einheit
Tuesday 12/10/24 09:00 AM - 11:00 AM TC.3.05
Monday 12/16/24 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM D4.0.022
Tuesday 12/17/24 08:00 AM - 12:00 PM TC.3.05

Understand the evolution of organization theories and their relevance in different contexts. Experience processes through simulations and after reflection theorize on them.

Learning outcomes

Both up to date knowledge on organization theories and soft skills on decision making and team work

Attendance requirements

Attendance is required. If for important reasons (illness, personal matters, but not other work committments) you cannot participate inform me the teachers that will define a compensatory activity/work to be submitted. However, at least 80% of the sessions must be attended ion order to finish the course.

Teaching/learning method(s)

Case discussions, simulations, roles playing, lecturettes



  • Mock trial preparatory paper (40%)**
  • Mock trial presentation         (20%)
  • Individual closed book exam (40%) 

** Should group members have differing opinions on how to allocate points to individual students, a qualified majority within the group has the authority to decide on an alternative distribution of points for each student. Please get in touch with me if there is a need to implement this measure due to instances of free-riding within the group.

Grading Scale: Insufficient (5) 0 – 60,9%, Sufficient (4) 61. – 70,9%, Satisfactory (3) 71 – 80,9%, Good (2) 81 – 90,9%, Excellent (1) 90.9 – 100%


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Last edited: 2024-07-24
